2024-2025 PRO 2 COURSE
$2,599.00- $2,699.00
**Please note: since we receive many payments directly through employers of students our credit card portal does not accurately reflect student enrollment numbers. Reach out to karinp@avyschool.org with any enrollment and payment questions - Thanks
Silverton, CO - Dec 3-8, 2024 - Pro 2 Alpine (this course is designed for avalanche professionals engaging terrain through modalities other than skiing such as mountaineering and ice climbing) . This was designed meet the needs of alpine guides who require a Pro 2 program as part of their AMGA certification progression.
Please email karinp@avyschool.org with any questions about program type or enrollment
Course Description:
This is the capstone course for experienced avalanche professionals in the United States. Participants will learn how to supervise a team in avalanche terrain and practice operational risk management and decision making throughout this professional workshop. This course drills down into the fundamentals of understanding and managing avalanche hazard and risk. Students learn to supervise and lead teams through avalanche terrain, make planning decisions for operational terrain use, and analyze and communicate snow, avalanche and weather phenomena to the US Industry standard. This is a rigorous, challenging and rewarding experience.
Upon successful completion of the course as well as both written and field tests students are awarded certification recognized by the American Avalanche Association. The course is recognized by the American Mountain Guides Association. The course is 6 days in length and follows a webinar and field format. Details on the industry-wide Pro Program can be found in this document. (A3 Pro Program Oversight)
Registration Process:
1. Review enrollment requirement (found below)
2. Pay Course Deposit for your desired dates
3. Fill out Application form: 2024-2025 Pro 2 Course Application
4. Receive receipt of application fee/course reservation from or office.
5. Your application will be reviewed (up to 4 weeks) and you will be notified of your program acceptance or admissions denial.
6. Pay your course fees in full within 30 days of program acceptance.
7. Pay A3 Student Fee and show receipt of this payment. (This is new from A3 for the 2022-2023 season and goes directly to A3).
8. Receive full course information package once course fees are paid in full.
9. SAS holds a $60 administrative processing fee if your course fees need to be refunded due to not meeting application requirements.
10. If you need to change the dates of your course prior to 10 weeks before the start of your course a $150 course change fee will apply.
11. If you choose to cancel or defer your program prior to 10 weeks before the course start SAS will keep your deposit and refund the balance of your tuition.
Note: Once you are within 5 weeks of course start tuition is non-refundable. Please consider buying trip insurance for your course.
Student Requirements for Enrollment (1 – 3 all required):
1) Course applicants have completed the following A3-recognized courses prior to enrollment:
a) Pro 1 Certificate Applicants who believe they have the educational equivalent of the above-listed prerequisites can apply to the the Pro Course Provider of their choice for a Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) review. Course enrollment in these situations is at the discretion of the Pro Course Provider.
2) Work Experience
a) A minimum of 40 days of operational avalanche experience over two winter seasons, and
b) Letter of recommendation from a supervisor (A3 Pro Member recommended) verifying:
▪ 40 days minimum work experience over two operating seasons (note, this can be in the same year if the worker has worked in both the northern and southern hemispheres). This includes participation as a team member, attending daily ops meetings, and participation in operational activities that requires avalanche risk management.
▪ Avalanche rescue (companion) practices with team leader responsibility. The applicant has participated in multi-team organized avalanche rescue exercise(s).
▪ The applicant is able to complete the tasks required of a route leader or ski guide or avalanche forecaster.
3) Submit examples of the following professional documentation:
a) two profiles, two operational meeting forms, two pages from two days of field observations
Fill out an application here (link also included above in "registration process")
Students Receive:
Access to SAS Pro 2 online learning portal
Technical Aspects of Snow and Avalanche Risk Management
Field Book
Pro 2 Total: $2599
Deposit: $575, Balance: $2,024
Alpine Pro 2 Total: $2699
Deposit: $675, Balance: $2,024
**A3 Fees are separate and go directly through A3.
**If you have any registration questions please reach out to karinp@avyschool.org