Dominic Rickicki
Transplanted from rural western NY, Dom fostered a love for snowboarding in terrible conditions at the age of 11. That passion for recreating outdoors and experiencing the mountains in all their forms eventually led him to the Adirondack mountains where he attended Paul Smith's College and began venturing into the backcountry, rock climbing, and ice climbing. As a student Dom had the good fortune of learning from guides through classes and personal friendship. Grateful for how much those guides helped him early in his career, and their role in his life, he decided to pursue a career in guiding himself to be that person for others.
Currently Dom lives in Estes Park, Colorado where he is the head guide at KMAC Guides, teaching rock climbing and backcountry skiing skills. When he's not in Estes Park, Dom also works in the cascades guiding trips on Rainier, Baker and other peaks in the North Cascades. Dom is an AMGA certified Rock Guide and Apprentice Alpine and Ski Guide.